About the plaintiffs
Seeking a future not threatened by the climate crisis, youths in their teens and twenties from around Japan have filed a civil lawsuit against major electric utilities, which account for about 30% of Japan’s CO2 emissions, requesting emission reductions at levels consistent with the science-based 1.5°C target.

Lawyers on legal team
原田 彰好 HARADA Akiyoshi
浅岡 美恵 ASAOKA Mie
樽井 直樹 TARUI Naoki
中根 祐介 NAKANE Yusuke
藤川 誠二 FUJIKAWA Seiji
片口 浩子 KATAGUCHI Hiroko
小出 薫 KOIDE Kaoru
飯島 吾郎 IIJIMA Goro
半田 虎生 HANDA Torai
小島 寛司 KOJIMA Hiroshi
渡部 貴志 WATANABE Takashi