Youth Climate Case Japan

Civil lawsuit by the youth of Japan requesting Japan’s major electric utilities – whose CO2 emissions account for about 30% of overall national emissions – to reduce emissions at a rate and level consistent with the science-based 1.5°C target

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1st court date
(observers permitted)
2024 October 24, 14:00 Nagoya district court

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【Press Release 】~Youth Climate Case Japan for Tomorrow / Future ~ Sixteen Youth across Japan Filed Case Against Thermal Power Generators claiming for reduction of CO2 Emissions

August 6, 2024 Attorneys for Youth Climate Case Today, 16 young people from Japan nationwide, from Hokkaido to Kyushu, filed a case in the Nagoya District Court against 10 thermal power companies, including JERA Corporation, claiming for injunction against CO2 emissions based on the scientific standards. To ensure the plaintiffs and young people across Japan […]

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On August 6, 16 youths in Japan asked the court to require the country’s ten major electric utilities (which account for about 30% of Japan’s CO2 emissions) to reduce their emissions to at least the levels indicated by the IPCC. Latest news about the lawsuit will be updated on this website (

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